Sunday, September 30, 2007

Orientation week in Strasbourg

Orientation week:
  • It is a very bizarre occurence in that many of us feel like we just arrived yesterday and yet we also feel as though we have been here for ages (not just 5-6) days.

  • We went on a walking "orientation" city tour on Wednesday. At our first stop at the canal, (canals/rivers circle the city center) we stopped to look at a couple of gentlemen in a small inflatable raft/boat. A few seconds later - a scuba dude appeared from under the water holding a bicycle. My camera was buried in my bag but Danielle, one of my Pittsburgh students captured the above shot of this very bizarre moment.
  • As soon as we had a few minutes of free time the terrential rains began. Several of us took solace in a shoe store and I purchased an umbrella and a very fashionable set of slippers. The lovely woman that waited on me did not speak english and I now know that my european shoe size is somewhere in the vicinity of 39.
  • We paused in front of the cathedral briefly and decided that it was best to explore it on our own time. All I can say is that it is so magnificent inside and out that my photographs will NOT do it justice. I truly feel blessed to have this incredible work of architecture available to me daily for 80 days!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Nice to see you are having fun and touring around to all the gorgeous sites. Cheers! - Gretchen