Thursday, November 8, 2007

Frankfurt, Friday 2 November

The morning after the Halloween party, NO ONE was in the mood to ride on the bus for 3 hours to Frankfurt, but after the visit to the gkk Dialog Group (Graphic Design company) and a presentation from the Executive Creative Director himself - EVERYONE was happy to have come. Wow! what an opportunity for all of the students. They heard from, spoke with, and had questions answered by the one of the top creative directors in Frankfurt.

Travelling with 40 people is always challenging. We had to break up into two groups to visit the design house and some of us had little time to go to museums or do anything cultural afterwords. I made it to the Modern Museum and begged my way in - since there was only about 40 minutes to browse the collection. It was well worth it!

The architecture of the building that housed the modern art was almost as interesting as the art itself. The view below is from the top floor looking down to the middle and lowest level. If you think the horse coming out of the wall is strange, before I left the musuem I used the restroom. As I walked in to choose one of the three available stalls I heard strange noises and then observed a very unique film being projected into the middle stall. Despite the obvious novlety, I did NOT use that one!

Overall, Frankfurt was a blur, we got stuck in horrendous traffic, we saw a strike/rally/parade, and several of us were even "lucky" enough to see middle age man stroll down a busy Frankfurt avenue naked as if it was totally normal.
We left Frankfurt and went to Baden Baden for dinner and returned to the Chateau at around 11:15 pm.

1 comment:

Heather said...


Stan told me to tell you that the middle aged man should have been right up your alley.
