Sunday, October 7, 2007

24/7 but still a lot of FUN!

Hello there folks,

This morning we went to the Musee des Beaux Arts which is lovely! Also in the building is the museum of Decorative arts and the Archeology museum. All three were a big hit!

I know a lot of people think that any trip like this is all fun and little to no work. I want to assure you all that this a 24/7 position and teaching is only part of it. Today we had a student who is allergic to seafood eat something that contained - you guessed it, seafood. So our French Culture & Civilization and French language Professor - Petra, facilitated the student and a Dr. visit to the Chateau, translating all the way. Alan and I, took the other 38 students to the Modern and Contemporary Museum of Art.

All is well and many of the students came back to the Chateau raving about the art in our local museums. Wednesday we go to the Vitra Museum in Basel, Switerland designed by Frank Gehry, and Saturday we have the "Route de Vin" where we will taste wine and top the day off with a visit Colmar to view the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthais Gruewald.
talk to you soon, after a very long day I am going to bed! : )

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