Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pictures from the Park

Here are a couple pictures from my walks in the park.

At first I thought I found a family of beavers but they are muskrats, I am not sure which creature is less glamorous but it was interesting nonetheless. The large one - maybe mommy - seemed to have a large flat tail like a beaver but the babies had "rat" tales. I am anxious to see the storks that are plentiful in the area in our upcoming travels.

I love this local flower, it reminds me of the Ladyslipper Orchids that I enjoy looking for in the mountains and those that are always available at Phipps Conservatory. If you look close, I caught a bee visiting one of the flowers.

Finally, the rivers and canals are everywhere here and it makes for wonderful reflection shots and I think I now will have a whole show ready to go when I get home of reflections from Strasbourg both of nature and the city. This one is not the best but it does show the leaves changing.

The Chateau hosts many groups, some are dignified leaders such as those who are members of the European Union, and other "less dignified persons" such as the rowdy group of German teenagers that are currently "sharing" the facilities. Petra, our French professor, who by the way is EXCELLENT!, taught me a phrase that will keep the cherubs quiet tonight if they are unlucky enough to wake me up again! They understand English, but this phrase is essentially "Quiet down" in German and it is not the politest version! European students have a lot more respect and decorum when addressing "Professors" and thus this should work quite well and they wouldn't dream of "giving me any lip..."

More after we get back from Basel : )

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