Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pictures as promised - Unterlinden Museum

These are the promised pics of the Unterlinden museum (former convent) and the Altarpiece in situ...

The students who came on this trip to study and learn were really blown away. Our knowledgable guide Vivian really gave an excellent tour, with 40 people in a small museum that is really saying something. The students who came on this trip to do other things were anxious to leave the museum ASAP and go buy a postcard or a coffee, it is sad : (

It seems I will be teaching my Afterlife in Art class when I return in the winter, thus this altarpiece and other art from here will be featured.

I also learned of a cathedral not far from here (a train ride away) that will be of great interest as well. We have reworked the schedule here so that all of my classes meet on 2 days. So I will now have 2 days a week to "catch up," prep my classes, and take an occasional train to somewhere close and interesting. YEAH!!!

I went for a 2+ hour walk in the park on Sunday and came across a substantial stump with the largest confligration of mushrooms I have ever seen in one place. WOW! - this picture is just a small section of the mushroom mania I found. I doubt they are edible but I am going to ask... regardless they are quite attractive.

Walking in the park is one of the best aspects of living at the Chateau. I don't have to drive to get to the "woods" I can just walk out the door and I am "there." Everybody in France is always outside enjoying the park! You see families strolling, the old, the young, joggers, bicyclers, dogs, it is really amazing! The culture is very healthy!

Today is Tuesday so I "practiced" Yoga. I want to find a class in Pittsburgh. It is really very cool! The PM of England is going to suggest Yoga classes be held in schools because they are having an obesity issue there as well. It is relaxing and good for you!

More later, we leave for London on Thursday... not sure what I will have to report before we go - unless I climb up the cathedral steps tomorrow morning before class - I will see what the weather looks like!

It is really strange to post things into the "nether regions" of the internet. Feel free to add comments or ask me questions so I know that someone is out there : )

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