Friday, October 12, 2007

Vitra Museum, Basel, Switzerland, & Freiburg, Germany

Well, a lot to report but NO TIME TO DO IT...
I have classes EVERYDAY, I think Sunday will be my first whole, complete, day off since we arrived in France. I am teaching 3 classes (12 credits) and at least one of them meets every class day. If we don't have class we have an activity or two. It is exhausting!!! The evil German kiddos were with us for 3 days and more importantly 3 horrible NIGHTS. They really enjoyed staying up all night, banging doors, screaming, yelling, and then to be polite - on occasion they made the shush noise at the top of their lungs... Their chaperones were MIA!

I was up all night Tuesday-Wednesday got out of bed at 6:45 or so and got ready - almost everyone was ready to get on the bus at 8:00 am and off we went to the Vitra Design Museum. We had a guided tour of several of the architecturally interesting buildings and got to sit in many of the very famous chairs they build. I personally liked the puzzle-chair which offered 3 different spots for sitting on three different levels. We were not allowed to photograph that section of the musuem so I will have to do a little sketch or something.

Basel Switzerland was amazing but we only got a tiny taste of it. We were there for maybe 2 hours. I definately want to go back and I hope to figure out a way via bus/train to take a group to see a Roman city that they have excavated. The Cathedral in Basel was wonderful!

Freiburg Germany was a place to shop and see a few typical German sites. The Cathedral was interesting but something was going on inside and thus it was mainly the exterior that we "took in" briefly. We boarded the bus and went to a wonderful dinner at the Golfhotel Schloss Reinach. They were super sweet to us, they packed us several boxes of hor d'oevres that they had prepared but hadn't needed for another group. The students who forgot to sign up for the box lunch the next day were thankful.

For whatever reason, I don't have the opportunity to add pictures today but I will add them when I get the right controls back on the blog page. Tomorrow we do the "Route de Vin" (wine tasting) and visit Colmar and the Eisenheim Altarpiece by Matthais Grunewald.

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