Friday, October 5, 2007

Concert D'Orgue Grand

  • On my way up to my room I ran into a student and she said that I was "glowing!" I visited three museums today - and was admitted free everywhere because I am a "Professor" from the United States. They said ALL museums in Strasbourg are free for me at all times : ) WOW!

  • and if that wasn't enough - I, of course, popped into the cathedral (since I was downtown) and saw a flyer for Concert D'Orgue Grand. For those of you who don't read ANY french - that means I attended a Concert in the Cathedral with a renown organist playing the BIGGEST, most ornate organ I have ever seen! They had a live video camera to show the complexity and multi-facetedness of his playing. Three keyboards, a full compliment of foot pedals, and rows of knobs on either side of him.

  • He played 7 pieces united by the theme of "Fantasie", 2 were by BACH and finished the evening with Franz Liszt (I am teaching in the Franz Liszt room at the Chateau) at times the vibrations from the organ made it feel like the music was eminating from inside of me. Franz Liszt's piece was so complex and diverse I think that it used every note, knob, key, and what ever else organs have. To say that it was INCREDIBLE does not do it justice.

  • The Engelberg group is here in the Chateau for a couple of days so we will get to meet our Culinary counterparts who are studying in Switzerland.

  • More pictures and "interesting tidbits" soon!

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