Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More pictures of activities!

This is the famous BBQ and then Campfire, we have EXTREMELY talented students and they entertained us with guitars and songs around the fires.

When walking through the park you encounter some interesting sculpture including a section where the trees have ears!
Bonding day we had to do a variety of exercises to get to know names and other good information about our 40 new friends.
We played games and the students got to show off their creativity with a project to build a transportation device. Look out smart cars here we come!

This is my favorite - I didn't play on Sunday but I will be playing as soon as the opportunity arises - this is a human "foosball" court. I have no idea how to spell the name of the game but you all know what I mean : )

I got to go on a little walk today in the park and it is GORGEOUS - there will be MANY photos from the park. It is HUGE and I was only out for a couple hours today. I will be spending a lot of free time in the massive national park that surrounds the Chateau and surrounding area.

Our field trip to Struthof Concentration Camp & Haute Koenigsbourg Castle has been postponed until October 26th which should allow a little time for people to comprehend the magnitude of the history of the area before viewing its horrific past. The WWII History class started tonight and I have NEVER heard students more excited about a history class in my life! We are all happy to be here and anxious to be less "American-centric" in our perspective.

More later : )

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