Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Classess have begun!

the lane by the chateau which takes us to the Jardin de Pourtales restaurant where we have some of our fabulous meals
this tower and bridges are at a juncture of the canals This is my fabulous bathroom - I have my own tub that I can swim in! and below is a view of town reflecting in the canals that encircle the center of Strasbourg

this is the front of the house this is the view from my window
this is more of the property - former stables and servant quarters - now the home of a couple of the students and the big classroom...

and this - as promised is a view of the gorgeous wood frame bed and armoir that I am really really enjoying!!! as posted I think I am in the "honeymoon suite"

  • Orientation week is now long over and classes have begun!
  • We had really interesting "GROUP INTERACTION" exercises in the Interaction park on Sunday and a whole day of beautiful weather to enjoy it.

  • Stephen has been raving about the "BBQ's" that happen in the teepee camp right beside the Chateau since I have heard about this program but NOTHING could prepare someone for the experience. (once again I need to download the pics - coming soon)
  • BBQ - a full menu of gourmet salads ie: corn, leek, & apple salad, cucumber salad, etc and then 1st course - Fish, zuchinni, and feta (done on the grill), 2nd course - turkey, pinapple, with more zuchini and potatos, 3rd course assorted german sausages, "dessert" - grilled chicken wings - absolutely amazing!

  • Of course the internet went down on the first day of class so all the students who are taking online courses were easy to spot in that they all looked as if they were ready to explode!

  • Many of the students diligently read their schedules and figured out where they had to be and when they had to be there. Several others were completely bewildered by the schedule despite it being posted on the bulliten board outside of the breakfast room, it has been emailed to them several times, it was xeroxed and handed to them last week, and then there were the assorted verbal reminders and calls for any questions...

  • French class needed "the classroom" and thus All ART History courses have been moved to the Franz Liszt room which is convienently located about 10 paces from my room. It is lovely and I have my own "beamer" (LCD projector). I will include pictures of it shortly.
  • Today, Tuesday - I attempted to practice yoga. We have a great instructor and for 5 euro a session we are going to meet weekly and learn how to stretch, relax, and breathe!

  • FYI (no pictures will be forthcoming of yoga - I am sure no one wants to see that!) Luckily Gabany is not on this trip to videotape everything : )
  • French class is completely baffling for a lot of the students who have NEVER even heard a foreign language spoken before. It is completely frustrating and terrifying for many. I know exactly how they feel having the same experience in French classes in college, however, we will all be learning a lot by trying and I am thankful for the words I do remember from my various french classes of the past.
  • We went to dinner tonight at a Tunisian restaurant - try ordering that in French!
  • I also bought some cheese, meat, bread, and wine today at the ATAC (the local grocery) now that is French! and that is where I will leave it for tonight : )
  • I have been unable to make my cute little cell phone work for any purpose other than an alarm clock. I miss everyone and would love a call if we can ever get the phone to work!
  • more soon


Heather said...


Sounds like your having fun!!!

Wish I was there to get the phone working.

Talk to you later.


Kelly M CourseyGray said...

Me too Heather,
Skype would be so great - hopefully I can get the kinks worked out of it and the little cell phone soon!
Miss you all : )

Unknown said...

Looks like a great trip so far. I'm really enjoying your blog and the wonderful pictures. Keep them coming! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!